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Welcome to YOUR Chamber
For over 47 years we have been here connecting business, consumer, politicians, education and organizations. There has never been a more critical time to participate and connect. We are thrilled to announce the new expansion covering all communities of San Diego. We welcome members of the business community,  financial sectors, education, nonprofits, and more as well as consumers who want to participate in the growth and prosperity of San Diego. Join us if you haven't already and see what YOU can do when you are connected!

Welcome Members
Welcome Members


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Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

The Chamber is here to help connect business with consumers, other businesses, government, media and more. There is no better investment you can make then to help us support you by supporting us.
If you've been missing events this year, don't worry, we have many planned still in 2020.  With options for outdoor activities, we have several awesome community events beginning in late summer.
Do you have a viewpoint about current city & state politics? The economy? Your business or the education of your kids? Well you now have a voice. SDCCC is your official connection to be heard!